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I can’t recall hearing up to six male voices more perfectly blended than The Queen’s Six . . . Their intonation is immaculate, adjusting intervals within the shifting harmonies to create a warm and focused sound. Their programme is inspired, too . . . a fascinating mix.  


[FOUR STARS] "The close musical rapport that develops when six men sing together every day, as the Queen’s Six do, is very much in evidence . . . They bring seamless blend and balance to music from the reign of Elizabeth I, from whom they take their name . . .”

"One senses . . . the evident enjoyment they derive from singing together. It brings a kind of twinkle to the performance that it is hard to find in the proliferation of groups of this type . . . barely contained excitement . . . this music is in the blood of these singers.”

"Refreshingly different . . . An intimacy born of long acquaintance with one another’s voices, and countless man-hours spent singing together, informs these Queen’s Six performances.”

"I can’t recall hearing up to six male voices more perfectly blended than The Queen’s Six.” 


Alto: Elisabeth Paul, Tom Lilburn

Tenor: Christian Crocker, Dominic Bland

Baritone/Bass: Andrew Thompson, Simon Whiteley

Based at Windsor Castle, members of The Queen's Six make up part of the Lay Clerks of St George's Chapel, whose homes lie within the Castle walls. This rare privilege demands the highest musical standards, as they sing regularly for the Royal family at both private and state occasions. In 2018 this included the wedding of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and in 2021, three members of the group sang at the funeral of HRH Prince Philip, The Duke of Edinburgh. Most significantly however, it is the familiarity of living and singing together in Chapel every day that lends this group its distinctive closeness and blend, as well as an irresistible informality and charm.

Individually, members of The Queen’s Six have appeared in many of the most prestigious vocal ensembles on the circuit, including The Tallis Scholars, Tenebrae and The Sixteen. Their repertoire extends far beyond the reach of the choir stalls: from austere early chant, florid Renaissance polyphony, bawdy madrigals and haunting folk songs to upbeat jazz and pop arrangements.

Since 2019, the group has recorded on the Signum Classics label, releasing albums of British folk songs, Hispanic Renaissance music, and arrangements of the songs of Tom Lehrer. In 2022, they will be releasing a recording of pop love songs, their first professional pop album.

Recent and upcoming tours include the group’s first trips to Bulgaria, Poland and Denmark, and return trips to the Baltic States, Germany, the USA and Bermuda.

For more information, please visit or find us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.


·       Music of the Realm: Tudor Music for Men’s Voices
  Sacred music by Byrd, Gibbons, Morley, Tallis, Tomkins and Weelkes

·       Her Heavenly Harmony: Profane Music from the Royal Courts
  Secular music by Byrd, Gibbons, Morley, Tallis, Tomkins and Weelkes

·       Lo, how a rose e’er blooming: Music for Christmas
  Christmas music from across the ages

·      The Last Rose of Summer: Folk songs from the British Isles
  A selection of brand new arrangements of folk songs from England, Wales, Scotland and Ireland

·      Journeys to the New World: Hispanic Music from the 16th and 17th centuries
  An exploration of how travelling to Latin America affected polyphonic Spanish music of the 1500-1600s

·       The Queen’s Six Murder the Songs of Tom Lehrer
    Brand new arrangements of songs by American satirist and songwriter Tom Lehrer

·       From Windsor with Love
    An album of pop love songs, old and new, all delivered with Q6’s signature style



Secure intuition . . . mastery of their instruments . . . tight and well-blended ensemble.
— Il Tempo, Rome